ANC Aloe Gel

  • ANC aloe vera gel is the aloe vera extract extracted from the fresh leaves of Kuraso aloe vera and extracted with the latest low temperature stable extraction technology. We only use the original aloe gel gel, without water dilution, without adding any fillers and thickeners, without using pigments and chemical preservatives. The complete preservation of Aloe Vera essence and activity is completely different from Aloe vera powder, water and thickener blending of aloe vera products.

  • Aloe gel is known for its anti-inflammatory, detoxification, antibacterial, wound healing, pain relief, itching and detumescence. Aloe Vera contains special enzymes that can promote skin secretion of vasoconstrictor to promote wound healing.

  • ANC Aloe Vera gum is strictly approved and supervised by the Canadian Ministry of Health. It has NPN certificate of natural cosmetics and can be used for assistant treatment of skin problems such as cuts, abrasions, scalds, sunburns and mosquito bites.